
Executive Director

Hi my name is Felicia and I am REDEEMED and new in Jesus! My story began when I was 8 years old and my mom died of alcohol poisoning. I was sent to live with my father who was on and off of drugs and in and out of prison. By the time I was in eighth grade, I had been sexually abused and was already experimenting with marijuana and smoking cigarettes. By the time I graduated high school I was in a toxic, physically and mentally abusive relationship, and in full blown addiction. I had two children who were both taken by the department of child services due to my life choices in 2009. In 2012, I found myself at the Noble House Ministries, where I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, found a whole new support system, and was educated in all of the life skills, community resources, and parenting skills I’d lacked. I gained back custody of my children. In 2014 I was remarried to an amazing godly man. God opened mighty doors where I was able to join the Noble House Board of directors, where I served for 4 years. In November of 2019, I was given the position of Executive Director here at Noble House Ministries! I serve as a first responder/firefighter in my community and I LOVE it. I now have 3 beautiful children and still have the supportive team I first met at NHMI surrounding me! And a heart full of Jesus, to spread to those who are in the same shoes I once was! I am blessed and honored to give back to this ministry, and I love the team I work with! God is so good and faithful and his love is never-ending!


Office Manager

Hello, I am Brandi. I have been with NH since July of 2023. My path in life has not been straight and narrow, just like anyone else, I have a past. I was a nurse for 20 years, and life decisions led me in a new direction. I have 3 children and recently married a wonderful man who is a police officer. Our blended family of 12 plus 3 grandchildren is something that has blessed my life. I have witnessed many times throughout my journey where God has guided me to where I am today. I am so amazed how God is working in NH and my life. Working with the women and children is changing my heart and how I view life in such an awesome way.


House Manager

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I’m the House Manager at Noble house Ministries. When I first came to Noble House, I came as a resident needing the help and support they offer. I was not in a good place in my life. My family had experienced a devastating loss and I struggled terribly. At the time I came through the doors, I really needed…something, but I wasn’t sure what. The NH staff helped me learn how to laugh, enjoy life again and just live. To be honest, I don’t know if I would be here today if it wasn’t for Noble House – it truly saved and changed my life! When I graduated from Noble House, I had a hard time leaving. I had fallen in love with the ministry and knew they did amazing things for people who really needed help…and now I get to help other women the way I was helped. I’m blessed to be a part of something that is so undeniably full of God’s Love and Grace.